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The Ultimate Guide To Micro-Influencers

If you’re keen about online marketing, you probably already have some idea about how influencers can help promote your brand’s image, services, or products. But have you heard about micro-influencers? 

Micro-influencers are influencers who do not have a massive following like other influencers. Yet oddly enough, this type of influencers have higher levels of engagement with a relevant audience. And they can offer more value for your money than top influencers.

Benefits of Working with Micro-Influencers

Most of them are social media-based influencers who have between 1,000 to 100,000 followers. Some of the reasons you should choose micro-influencers for your campaign are:


#1. Relevance

They are considered experts in selected fields and cater to a niche audience who has a high regard for their opinions in those fields. By working with a micro-influencer, you will be able to reach a more relevant audience for your business.


#2. Higher Engagement Rate

They have much higher engagement rates than macro-influencers. Meaning, the ratio between the number of likes, comments, and views to the number of followers is higher.

According to a study, in comparison to macro-influencers who have an engagement rate of 1.7%, micro-influencers have an 8% engagement rate. This is mainly because they find it is easier to interact with their followers due to the smaller numbers.


#3. More Cost-Effective

You can rest assured that collaborating with them will not break the bank. They charge noticeably less than top-tier influencers.

Their rates usually vary between $100 to $250 per post for some social media platforms. However, it can even be less than that for some of them.

You will get so much more by spending considerably less because you are connecting with a section of highly relevant audience. The cost of working with them is ideal for startups and small businesses.


#4. More Trust Among Followers

It has been found that they are highly trusted individuals for their expertise in one particular niche. People are more likely to make a purchase based on the recommendations made by a micro-influencer.


#5. Working with Multiple Micro-Influencers

Since working with them doesn’t cost much, a business can collaborate with more than one micro-influencer to add value to their campaign.


#6. It Gets You More Attention

Many big brands ignore them since they have smaller followings. You can take advantage of this, and get more attention from a relevant audience for your brand by working with them. In the same way as working with macro-influencers, it is important to choose who will be relevant to your business.

Find out more about micro-influencers, including how to find them, and some best practices for working with them in the infographic below.

The Ultimate Guide To Micro-Influencers
Infographic courtesy: Shane Barker
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