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Think with Google gives us a sneak peek of 5 Online Trends to Inform your 2017 Media Plan. We all know that the trend of videos is booming and that most if not all the Media Agencies are focusing their efforts and investments for their own promotions and their clients into Video.

Big Data, a giant leap into the future of technology and Digital Marketing.

Ralph Rahal

Digital Marketing Solutions Consultant, Skillz Middle East

The video trend is still on and there are numerous ways in which people can promote, benefit from and at the same time get some ROI from their videos.

This information not only works with Google’s YouTube but on Facebook and other social media platforms as well. Most if not all people aged between 16 and 24 spend most of their time on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc.. than they do on TV.

Major companies and organizations are focusing more and more on Digital Marketing than they are on traditional media like TV and radio. This only shows the importance of having a well structured and well planned Digital Marketing Strategy.

Here is an Infographic by Think with Google that shows 5 Online Trends to inform your 2017 Media Plan.

5 Online Trands to Inform your 2017 Media Plan

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