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Facebook ad targeting allows marketers to carefully select an audience. It’s a powerful way for Facebook advertisers to hyper-target very specific groups.

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Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

But ad targeting can also be overwhelming, because there are so many options to choose from.

An infographic by Facebook ad agency Advertisemint brings clarity to the ad targeting choices by breaking them down into five categories:

1. Demographics: Targeting options include age, gender, interest, and language, among many others.

2. Connections: Targeting options include people who liked a brand’s Facebook page or app, as well as the friends of those high-interest persons.

3. Interest: Targeting options include people who are interested in a brand or who are likely to be interested in a brand; other targeting options are categories such as movies, music, sports, games, shopping, and more.

4. Custom audiences: With this option, an advertiser can upload a customer contact list to target existing customers who are also Facebook users.

5. Behaviors:Targeting options include people with particular behaviors, such as automotive purchase, mobile or financial behaviors, travel patterns, and more.

To see Advertisemint’s full list of Facebook ad targeting options, see below

The Complete Guide to Facebook Ad Targeting

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