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Did you know commuters spend an average of 7 billion hours of extra time in traffic and that the average car consumes 550 gallons of gas per year? Rideshare drivers are getting more and more popular and customers want to know how to enjoy their ride to the best.

Zach is a Content Marketing Specialist based in Austin, Texas. With a background in creative writing and a fascination with SEO, he specializes in creating and promoting content that drives growth for his clients.

Zachary Kee-Clemmer

Guest Writer

With those stats, it’s no wonder that using a rideshare app to commute to work and to handle daily tasks is quickly growing in popularity. In fact, many young professionals are foregoing car payments and instead deciding to use services like Uber and Lyft to get around. After all, there’s less long-term financial risk by not purchasing a vehicle. Business travelers are also using a rideshare service rather than renting a car in the city or town they are visiting. In fact, rideshare services are quickly becoming the biggest tech startup in the US, with Uber being worth over twice as much as Airbnb.

So, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve most likely used a rideshare service before. Whether it’s because you decided you want to spend the night out without worrying about your car or maybe you just left your car keys at home. Either way, you need a ride somewhere, and you’re willing to risk sitting in the car with an absolute stranger for 20 minutes to get there. Most of the time, this is no big deal, but sometimes you’ll have an awkward experience.

Dealing with an awkward driver is something we all go through. After all, with every rideshare journey, you enter a roulette, one where you are being paired with your very own human chauffeur. This means that you’ll to be forced to interact with a stranger that could become your best friend or your worst enemy, welcome to the world of rideshare drivers.

That’s why “the zebra” created this guide to help all those who regularly use rideshare services in ways to deal with the most common rideshare driver personality types. From drivers who refuse to use their GPS to ones that are downright nosy, we tell you all the best tips to make your ride as smooth as possible. We give you tips on how to avoid personal questions and how to start a conversation with drivers you don’t have anything in common with.

Check out the full guide below. My personal favorites are Wise Wilbur and Traveling Terry. Tell Wise Wilbur all your life’s problems and he’ll help you sort through them. Ask Traveling Terry about the best vacation spots around the world. Hope you enjoy reading the lessons learned about rideshare drivers, leave your experience in our commeting section below.

10 Types of Rideshare Drivers and How to Handle Them

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