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Adobe Dimension CC (formerly Project Felix) makes it easy for graphic designers to create high-quality, photorealistic 3D images. Composite 2D and 3D assets to build product shots, scene visualizations, and abstract art.

Big Data, a giant leap into the future of technology and Digital Marketing.

Ralph Rahal

Digital Marketing Solutions Consultant, Skillz Middle East

Get a whole new perspective on product shots.

Dimension will help you Visualize product shots, packaging designs, and branded collateral in a whole new perspective, giving you the opportunity to see it in real-world settings. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping a logo or a vector graphic onto a 3D model and see how your design concept will look in real life. Various tools will help you move around the object like the Camera tool which allows you to see how your graphics appear from every perspective.

… to see the previous post (Project Felix)

Here is a short intro to Adobe Dimension formerly Project Felix. Watch the video below

Get the shot. Skip the shoot.

You can always drag and drop background images from Photoshop CC and 3D models from Adobe Stock without the need to leave Dimension. You can even select the material you want to use, the texture, and even backdrop. You also won’t have to worry about the lighting, perspective, shadows, or anything else for a picture-perfect shot since Dimension will do that automatically. And you can always export your scenes as layers which you can use later on in Photoshop.

Add dimension to your art.

You will have the capability to create unique digital images with you can then accompany with editorial, or you can use it to design a storyboard or even to create your own original work of art with photorealistic 3D effects. Dimension opens up the world of 3D design to all kinds of digital artists allowing them to unleash their creativity and do it in the easiest non-complicated way.

Managing the changes

Now with these new rising technologies that are making our creative lives ten times easier, they are also making the sizes of the files ten times bigger. But this is nothing you should be worrying about, there are also technologies that help us manage and distribute them like a DAM (Digital Asset Management). It allows you to Manage, Tag, Store, Distribute, Archive, Monitor your Digital Assets and much more… To know more about Digital Asset Management Click Here.

Here is a short tutorial video to get you started with Adobe Dimension.


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