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We looked at our analytics report after we launched the website. In the first two weeks, the traffic on the site increased by about 30-percent.

Devarshi Hazarika

business leader for digital experience solutions, MasterCard

Adobe Target is a personalization solution that makes it easy for you to identify the best content to use by running easy to execute tests. This way you would know exactly what content to use and deliver the right experience to your customers.

Our friends from Adobe Marketing Cloud YouTube channel created the below video that you watch and learn more on Adobe Target .

Adobe Target is a marketing solution that makes it easy to test your experiences, so you can deliver the right experiences to the right customers at the right time. It uses machine-learning algorithms to personalize content and design. It also has custom, optimized algorithms for offering the next best content or product suggestions. Adobe Target allows you to use automation so you can personalize customer interactions in real time.

What is Adobe Target?

It’s a personalization solution that makes it easy to identify your best content through tests that are easy to execute. So you can deliver the right experience to the right customer.

Conversion rate optimization

Engage and convert more by testing to improve every stage of the customer journey.


Deliver relevant, engaging experiences across all digital interactions using any data source.
Adobe Target for mobile

Mobile app optimization

Test and personalize the app experience based on user behavior and mobile context.
Adobe Target ROI Calculator

Make room for improvement.

Learn the best online optimization strategies for boosting your bottom line with our ROI calculator.

Learn how to solve business problems.

Read our use-cases for best practices in marketing optimization

Provide a journey your customers will want to finish.

As a marketer, you’re constantly optimizing the customer experience to try to lower abandonment rates and improve conversion rates. Chances are, you spend way too much time and money adjusting your home page without really having a clear view of performance. You’re expected to know the best combination of offer and ad layouts to help customers progress through the funnel to conversion. And your executives are frustrated with the inability to tie the buyer’s journey to KPIs.

Content should be personal. Anything else is irrelevant.

Customer expectations continue to rise. As a marketer, you need to keep your company relevant by making each customer experience personal. Not only are you paying attention to customers’ activity, but you also have to actively provide what they want and need. And you need to deliver highly relevant experiences across every channel. If consumers don’t get what they want, they’ll go elsewhere.

Where success is predictable.

As a marketer, you need to know how to find patterns in data so you can avoid risks and spot opportunities. It’s challenging to know which offers and products would make the ideal customer experience. Being able to identify upcoming risks and anomalies, and what causes them, can make or break your organization. Most of your team probably doesn’t have advanced statistical training, so even when you have data, it’s hard to understand it.
Adobe can help. Adobe Target is a marketing solution that makes it easy to test your experiences, so you can deliver the right experiences to the right customers at the right time. It uses machine-learning algorithms to personalize content and design. It also has custom, optimized algorithms for offering the next best content or product suggestions. Adobe Target allows you to use automation so you can personalize customer interactions in real time.

Adobe Target

Understanding your audience and their expectations is crucial for delivering the best personalized experiences. You need to be able to surface interesting insights and key customer traits to quickly test experiences and target them to the right customers.

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