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podcast | Skillz Middle East
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach: How AI is Making an Impact on Technology

The concept of artificial intelligence is not a new one. The idea of automating human lives was introduced the day computers were invented. From calculating few numbers to giving voice commands, human lives have been widely impacted by technology.

Jessica Ervin is a professional UI UX designer & passionate tech blogger with enthusiastic writing skills. Jessica is a brand researcher as well, She is currently working Design Iconic by which you can easily design your own logos & download it, having a good reader Jessica is contributing to the Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, VR, Gadgets, Tech Trends and much more. Jessica’s experience has given her an insight of UI UX designing & writing skills and became a conventional contributor. You can follow her on twitter @jessikaervin

Jessica Ervin

Guest Writer

AI has successfully presented the human world with innovations and advancements like driver-less cars, home assistants and bots. Considering the maximized automation benefits that AI offers, there’s no knowledge as to how much more AI will change human lives. It is anticipated that in the coming few years, the human world will go through a complete disruption through the advancements of AI.

Devices and machines powered by AI and machine learning algorithms are soon to become a norm in the tech industry. Be it the sector of education, medicine, marketing, industrial or logistics AI adds great value and high-quality to every life aspect and human sector.

AI changed human lives at tremendous speeds, and it doesn’t seem to slow down. With that in mind, let’s have a quick look at the impacts and changes that AI brought about in technology:

  • Improvement in healthcare technology:

There’s no denying that the health care and medicine industry has been the biggest beneficiary of the AI technology. From better medicine composition to the analysis of different diseases and their cure, AI technology has the power to improve health and to introduce better treatments.

Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach: How AI is Making an Impact on Technology
One of the biggest advancement is the creation of fully-functional prosthetics. These A.I.-powered limbs learn it receives signals from the human nervous system and then reacts as per the given neural signals.
  • Machine learning is the new norm:
The greatest challenge in starting a new business is to gather a large number of potential customers and data. Fortunately, AI has a solution for this problem too—create AI-based complex algorithms. Once created you can now sell it huge organizations and enterprises who will pay any price to use the power of AI in targeting the audience and customizing ads and offers.
  • IoT will become more data-oriented:
Advancements of technology on the internet of things have experienced a rise in the last decade. However, with AI making huge leaps in the tech industry, this advancement in IoT will be all about the data that these Internet of Things gather. Technologically advanced and AI-based solutions are useful for analyzing huge chunks of data and information. Such solutions are eased up the data analysis and filtering processes in industries like healthcare, finance, and security.
  • Disruptions in the education sector:
The theory of AI-powered robots replacing teachers and instructors is a myth. However, AI is playing an impactful role in the field of education. From learning programs for special kids to online schools and learning centers, AI filling the educational gap across the world.
  • Automation:
There’s no denying that in a few years in robots will replace humans but only in certain jobs. However, some jobs should be automated. Jobs which risk human lives like bomb detection, deep sea, and ocean exploration, space missions should go through complete automation. On the other hand, certain jobs won’t go through complete automation such as writer, animator, designer, and other similar jobs. It doesn’t mean that these jobs will stay unaffected by the power of AI. AI-based free logo maker tools to create online logos, applications for modeling, animation software packages and other such applications will change the paradigms of jobs like these. Conclusion: To conclude it all, we can say that AI is sure to play a crucial role in human lives and the tech industry. The next few years will surely be the years when the human lives go through a seamless shift from present to the AI-based future.

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