Delegation allows you to keep coming up with fresh ideas for your business. Doing everything and doing the same thing over and over cages your creativity and stops innovative business solutions from breaking out.
You might be wondering why you’re doing it all but you’re never hitting your target. You know what the problem is? You’re doing it all! And you shouldn’t be. As the infographic shows, spreading yourself too thin leads to decision fatigue.
The difficulty of arriving in good decisions rises as the number of decisions you have to make increases. If you have reached your brain’s threshold, you become reactive instead of proactive. Never a good thing if you’re a leader. You can shut down and stop making decisions altogether, become combative, or turn impulsive.
As the owner, you should be focusing on the big picture instead of stressing yourself over the nuances of your business. Delegation puts you ahead as studies show that CEOs who delegate have 30% more profit as compared to their counterparts who don’t delegate.
To get ahead of your game, structure your days to conserve willpower and avoid unnecessary decision making. Our willpower is a finite resource. If you pour all of it out for trivial things, you won’t have anything left when it’s time for big decisions.
So stop filling out those forms and replacing your staple wires! With your sharp mind as your weapon, you will be saving your business from being one of the 20% of small businesses who flunk in their first year.
This shouldn’t be the case since you already have a global source of human talent. The most business-related task can be done remotely so they can be outsourced. You can hire contract workers and freelancers. This method is flexible and you can get the most specialized skills. Though there are some difficulties in this strategy, they are more bearable than you burning out.
Having a reliable team and system means that your business will run smoothly even without you in it. It won’t go into shambles when you take a sick leave or a much-needed vacation.
To do this, develop an operations manual. This describes in detail how things should be done. It commonly contains the company overview, systems, and training materials. Having a written system makes it easier to delegate. It avoids miscommunication and allows everyone to know exactly what they’re supposed to do and how they’re supposed to do it.
The hardest thing about delegation is letting go and trusting other people do the things you have always done. But business is about change. You won’t thrive if you don’t learn to let go. Learn more about the art and science of delegation on the infographic below.

This is a very interesting subject, especially in the Middle East, where not many understand the importance of delegation.