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B2B e-commercee is emerging E-commerce Trends in 2017 and will remain stable in 2018 and beyond. The presented infographics have beautifully depicted the trends and inspiring investors to invest in it.

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B2C eCommerce is a known phenomenon, but B2B e-commerce is an emerging trend in the world of the Internet. Therefore, Forrester has predicted 12.1% annual growth by 2020 for B2B e-commerce market. The team of Magneto IT Solutions put a great infographic together which illustrates all the trends for 2018.

B2B eCommerce Market Growth in the US

The real reasons behind the unprecedented growth forecast are:

  • The changed preferences of B2B shoppers.
  • Opportunity to reduce the cost of customer services.
  • Availability of multiple channels like in-store as well as online shopping for B2B customers.

10 Large E-commerce Markets in the World

E-commerce Trends is penetrating across all nations of the world rapidly, and B2B e-commerce is the significant gainer. Therefore, China stands first with $672 billion revenue per annum from the e-commerce businesses.

The next is the USA with $340 billion, the UK with $99 billion, Japan with $79 billion, and so on are top ten nations benefiting from the e-commerce growth at global level.

B2B Growth Rate by Selling Channel

The B2B businesses have various selling channels, and all are experiencing phenomenal growth such as distributors have 6.2%, manufacturers have 7%, retailers have the highest growth rate with 26.6%, and wholesalers have 5.8% growth.

Multichannel Integration

The third-party integration is highly beneficial for B2B merchants. For example, it influencing performance factors positively such as,

  • Integration of shipping services improves the on-time delivery and order accuracy for B2B
  • Shopping cart integration eases inventory management
  • Order management system integration smoothen order processes, accuracy, and on-time shipping

Who Will Be Your Targeted B2B E-commerce Customers?

Earlier, B2B e-commerce marketers were targeting C-suite employees to generate leads, but now non-C-suite employees have more say in the decision-making process. One of the clear new E-commerce Trends seen for 2018.

B2B eCommerce Delivery Options

B2B e-commerce merchants have better delivery options such as,

  • On-time delivery by third-party logistics
  • Automated replenishment
  • Partial delivery
  • Multiple warehouse location shipping facilities
  • Return management

Effective B2B eCommerce Marketing Channels

Among the various online marketing channels, B2B e-commerce gets the most from the website itself. The email marketing stands the next, and the blogs have the third positionB2.

B Ecommerce Customers Prefer to Go beyond the Borders.

The web has no geographic boundaries so the e-commerce. Therefore, B2B e-commerce becomes a global phenomenon, and more than half of e-commerce shoppers have admitted that they have purchased goods or services from the overseas businesses at least once in a year.

Read the full detailed infographic to the “B2B E-commerce Trends 2018” below and see the coming up predicted trends.

B2B E-commerce Trends & Statistics of 2018 That You Must Know

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