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Research shows that good creative work, including good design, drives customer preference, loyalty, and a willingness to pay a premium. And those benefits translate into tangible revenues for brands.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.

Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

In today’s incredibly crowded digital world, the key to cutting through the noise and resonating with consumers is highly-personalized, highly-creative, is design-driven content.

I think you can agree with me that the era of design-driven products was for sure started with the initiatives of Steve Jobs and Apple. Apple showed that design and building a brand nation is more important than functionality with their first iPod.

Let’s have a close look into 13 statistics on how today’s good creative teams are driving more revenue with content. Creative content is more important and in demand than ever before. Based on US consumers 71% say they will choose a product or service over its competitors because of good design. Also 69% say they will be more loyal to a brand that has a good design. Thinking that a consumer would pay more for a better product design is correct, 5&% said yes.

That info comes from an infographic by inMotionNow that illustrates the real business impact of marketing creative.

Businesses that invest in creative are 85% more likely to be financially successful, the infographic shows. The challenge? Some 77% of teams say there is increased pressure to be more productive than more creative at work.

That’s why businesses that invest in creative are seeing major success, from reaching more consumers and achieving better engagement to closing more sales.

How can marketing and creative teams balance creativity with productivity? And why should companies care?

See the infographic to learn more about the impact good creative teams have on business.

The Business Impact of Good Creative

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