The online world in 2019, how do e-commerce, social media, mail, and co perform? Find detail statistics for all digital Omni-channels, consumer demographics, habits and insides around e-commerce.
In the infographic created by The Hosting Institute, all statistics are shared, for e-commerce, social media, shopping cart, mail, generation habits, the trend amazon, what consumers do not like to shop, what are the security concerns, what about return and exchange, how does the UK market perform, and how do Australian shop online.
How big is the online retail sector?
In 2018, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted to 2.842 trillion US dollars and are expected to reach 3.453 trillion US dollars in 2019.
E-commerce share of total global retail sales are expected to reach 13.3% of the worldwide sales in 2019 and will go up to 17.5% in 2021.
The top 50 online stores brought in 69% of the total online sales in 2018 while all the other worldwide stores accounted for 31% of all online purchases.
e-Commerce is growing 23% year-over-year, yet 46% of American small businesses do not have a website. But does a website mean also to operate an online store?
Americans spend 64% of their shopping budget in-store, and 36% online. 40% of US males aged 18-34 say they would ideally buy everything online, compared to 33% of females in the same age bracket.
96% of Americans have made an online purchase in their life, 80% in the past month alone.
While the infographic jumps in all the details let me pick some of my favorite lesson learned.
Lessons Learned
The voice of the customer is for 84% of online shoppers in the US key for a purchase. The consult at least one social media site before making their purchase decision.
Let’s not underestimate the power of the social media giants, Facebook is leading the pack, 85% of orders from social media sites come from Facebook.
There are over 500.000 businesses that use Instagram as an advertisement platform.
YouTube is known as the largest online search engine, with more than 1 billion users on a monthly average, they see 70% of them on mobile devices.
Online shoppers abandon their shopping carts 68% of the time, this sums up in a loss of 3 billion US dollars if not more. Giving visitors multiple payment options will increase conversion rates, and reduce cart abandonment.
4.3 billion people use e-mail for communication and Gmail is the most favorite with a market share of 46.77% of all users.
A surprise lesson learned is the fact that also Millenials prefer communication with businesses over email, 67.6% of teens and 73.1% of those aged 19 to 34 prefer email over direct mail, SMS or app notifications.
Mobile wallets are used 2 times more often by Millenials and Gen Z than Gen X or Baby Boomers.
In the conducted survey 78% of online buyers bought over the last six months on Amazon only 65% in a physical store, 45% on a branded online store, 34% on eBay and another 11% on Facebook.
People inform themselves on Amazon, 30% of people who find a product on Amazon finally purchase it after on the brand’s website.
Consumer’s least favorite part of shopping online is shipping costs, being not able to touch the product, and the waiting time of delivery influences the online purchase decision.
Online security concerns are on the rise, while most of the people are concern about their private data, online Gen Z and Baby boomers are worried about site security.
e-Commerce Statistics UK & Australia
The infographic also highlights the UK’s online market and the habits of Australian consumers. While eBay and Instagram are making a better job in UK, the GDPR makes its way into the heart of consumers. 23% of consumers delete their data after an online purchase.
In Australia, the online spend is compared lower than UK or US with an average of 473 US dollars. Paypal is the favorite online payment method over credit cards, Amazon is not the favorite place for shopping online.
See all the details in the blow infographic, 89 e-Commerce Statistics you should be aware of in 2019.

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