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Reliable file synchronization software enables us to transfer data from our mobile to desktop and other devices without compatibility issues during cross-platform operations. Resolving this challenge gives us the freedom for proper file collaboration.

We love our iPhones, however for business we require maybe access to our daily life files which is essential to increase the value of our productivity.

Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

There are few devices more popular in the world than the iPhone. With an almost ubiquitous presence due to it’s easy personal and business use, it is becoming increasingly important for this device to be compatible with other platforms.

An article by CNET, written by Don Reisinger, notes that the number of iPhones in use was around 94 million last year. But when it comes to devices that use different systems, many people are quick to ask “how do I sync my iPhone with my computer?”

By utilizing cloud file collaboration, it is possible to edit and exchange files between multiple devices – even if those devices us different operating systems (OS).

Addressing compatibility issues with cross-platform operations

When it comes to multitasking, using multiple devices is very beneficial. When dealing with iPhone and desktops, the difference in each device’s OS can sometimes make sharing and swapping files between them difficult.

This can be particularly frustrating if a person is in transit and needs access to a file that is on their workstation. In another instance, they may have created a file on their phone and wish to access it quickly on their desktop. In either case, syncing tools like those offered by Resilio can prove valuable.

We need to use steadfast file collaboration tools that provide cloud solutions without relying on a separate party to manage the data.

Furthermore, the infographic looks into scalability and support for multiple devices, looks into the solution of syncing between mobile and desktop devices and collaboration aspects.

Read more on the file synchronization software and tools from Resilio in the following infographic.

File Collaboration: Linking iPhones to Desktops

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