Millennials makeup 25% of the US population and will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, according to the infographic.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.

Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

So, before you engage this valuable demographic, make sure you understand what drives them.

Millennials value experiences, sharing, connections, passion, happiness, and discovery: “61% are worried about the state of the world and feel personally responsible to make a difference,” states redpepper. Moreover, 63% want their employer to contribute to important causes.

Some 64% would prefer a job they love than make twice the pay at a job they think is boring. “And 88% prefer a collaborative culture over a competitive one,” states redpepper.

To find out more about what drives Millennials to work and shop, check the redpepper infographic.

Infographic What Motivates Millennials to Work and Shop

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