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Your employees may be your brand’s biggest fans, and taking advantage of their enthusiasm can have benefits for both your brand and the employees, explains an infographic by GaggleAMP, a social media company that specializes in getting employees involved in brand advocacy. Employee advocacy increases brand recognition and trust.

“I know what you did in your last Marketing campaign, do you?”

Jalena Pineda

Business Development Manager, Skillz Middle East

Many marketers, however, still hear management object to the practice, citing concerns that having employees share similar messages will look spammy, or employees are too busy and don’t have time to post on social media.

The folks at GaggleAMP address those concerns with data. For example, employees of socially engaged companies are 20% more likely to stay with their companies and 27% more likely to feel optimistic about their company’s future, the infographic explains.

Despite all speculations of spammy approach your company still can’t overlook acquiring your biggest “ASSET” your Employee-also be an advocate for the company that can is very substantial and beneficial. An employee advocate can promote the organization’s products and services, or promote the organization as a whole. Whichever way, it can enhance the brand and the company’s reputation too.

It still keeps the employees engaged and shows that they are clearly an extension of the company’s existing social media networks than what the company is publicly curating.

When an employee advocate promotes the organization, it simply can have the effect improving the employment brand which also can help with future recruiting effort programs.

As for metrics, content shared by employees receives eight times more engagement than content shared otherwise.

To see more reasons why your brand may want to consider employee advocacy, see the infographic:

Employee Advocacy

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