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Google owns (part of) Uber. Microsoft owns LinkedIn and Nokia. The Web is a tangled mix of amalgamations and business relationships. So how could a tangled web of the digital giants be an affect branding?

“I know what you did in your last Marketing campaign, do you?”

Jalena Pineda

Business Development Manager, Skillz Middle East

The web is a highly connected place with tangled relationships. Digital marketing firm Hallam Internet has created an interactive infographic to show the surprising connections between some of the most popular brands around many of which they use on a daily basis.

Digital marketing agency Hallam has created an interactive infographic that shows the connections between some of the most popular brands around, and some are surprising.

For instance, click on the Amazon circle, and the connections are pretty straightforward. Click on Etsy, and you’ll see just how complicated they can get.

Take a look to see whether any of the connections are news to you.

What a tangled web the digital giants weave.  Ownerships, partnerships, investors. The leadership of the digital world is much more tangled than you think.

In the interactive infographic below, shows how complex the web looks like. so let’s start with the statement, Google owns (part of) Uber. Microsoft owns LinkedIn and Nokia.

<iframe src="" style="border:none; width:100%; height: 300vh; margin:0; overflow: auto;" scrolling="auto" name="The Tangled Web" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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