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We love to read statistics, some of them are important since they are industry trends and helpful. But few are as fun and beautiful to learn about as 2018 creative trends.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

Design Trends are forcing us every year to rethink our marketing, our website design and many more. How shall er present ourselves or our products to reach our audience? Discover the biggest image, video, and music styles of the year, from major trends to local favorites. Shutterstock followed a simple formula to define the trends. They looked into the data of billions of searches and downloads of the last year and added them to the year-over-year analysis. The result is the trend which will continue to grow also in 2018.

Shutterstock is known for their stock photo platforms since many years. They have put a visual guide together showcasing 11 of the most popular creative trends we can expect to see in 2018. Looking over the ocean and learn what is happening on other spots on the world is essential. Well, they did not forget to do so and have a section that displays trends from around the world.

All major 2018 creative trends show more than +400% increase of downloads on Shutterstock. 

For example, a major trend in design is Fantasy. From mystical beasts to magical landscapes with the target to let the viewer slip into another world. Or let’s have a look at New Minimalism. Think beyond crisp, clean lines. The new minimalism features bold colors and fluid styles. One of my personal favorites is still Space design. A mix of awe-inspiring galactic beauty and a darker, more dystopian feel.

But design comes also back to Natural Luxury, shapes, ancient geometrics which combines geological and fantastical elements. We have seen it over the last years and it stays as a trend.  Colors show up, with punchy pastels and holographic effects both continue to be on our list of the favorites.

Social trends are turning up in design patterns, including cryptocurrency, digital crafts, and global marches, Shutterstock says.

Review the Infographic and explore some inspiration and more predictions for 2018. Let us know what are your favorite 2018 creative design trends, design patterns, and favorite colors. Leave your comments below and start the conversation with your peers.

2018 Creative Trends

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