When you become a student (it doesn’t matter college or university), essay writing become one of the most frequent tasks in your educational routine. Day by day, you are learning how to write analytical, persuasive, 5-paragraph essays, etc. The most common student strugglings are essay structure, topic determination and lack of ideas.
Writing an essay may only seem to be ordinary and even simple. But when we are talking about A+ grades, you need to consider your work to the smallest details. Top-Rated Essays need more efforts for sure.
It’s not a secret that there are some fundamental keystones when you decide to become a real pro in essay writing craft.
At the first place – structure. Second – orthography and punctuation together, third and maybe the most important – content. Content, in turn, is a common meaning. It may include the critical point and ways you describe it: phrases, words, examples, figures of speech.
The role of words in the essay, as the general structural/functional part of any language, can often be underrated by people. Moreover phrases and idioms. To sum up this introduction, it will be nevertheless to say about the “subconsciousness magic” of the context-appropriate words. Whether a teacher will check your paper, or it will be someone else, they see the whole picture, catching the sense.
To explain it other words, words and phrases are like building blocks, and your essay is an architecture creation. The better blocks you choose, the prettier house you get in the end. The process of right words selection is so easy as it may seem. When I was a student, I remember spending up to 30 minutes to decide which phrase will be suitable for this context situation. Understanding this problem students face each year, we decided to draw this little helper.
You can choose out of 20 useful words that can be applied in any essays on any specialty or course. It took more than ten days for our creators to make a brief research of the most helpful and necessary phrases. Honestly, your teacher/exam officer will note the fact that you are not just recreating a mind flow, but making an effort.
More About The Infographic
It has four basic chapters. The first one, called “Additional Information”, will help to replace annoying “and” with another prepped phrases.
The second “Demonstrating contrast” also has the same purpose as first one, suggesting you phrases to replace “but.”
The third chapter “General is explaining” is about introductory/explanatory phrases that can make sentences look structured and finished.
The last chapter “Giving examples” claims for itself. Tired of “for example”? Try to use some alternative words.
We here at Bit Rebels hope that this infographic will be a trusted helper anytime you need to write a top-notch essay! We firmly believe that making efforts when studying is a very critical point. Don’t negotiate a possibility to use writing tips: articles, infographics, pins and other stuff.
To sum up this description, I would like to cite Winston Churchill “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.”
Read below the summary infographic “20 Useful Words And Phrases For Top-Rated Essays “

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So pity that i found this article only now, last month i was working on creating my website and spent so much time on it
So pity that i found this article only now, last month i was working on my essay and spent so much time on it
this is what i was looking for thanks for sharing amazing post with great & helpful information keep up great work
thank you, Tanmay for the encouraging words. Sorry, your Website link did not work, I had to remove it, greetings Dieter
i think this article is not only good for blogging but also for people like whose first language is not english…very informative and will definitely apply…
I always using “in other words” when I am explaining other things. These useful words are needed in essays, making newspaper and also freelance writing. I learned a lot, I can recall some words that I didn’t know.
Essay writing was my favorite when I’m still studying. I’ve got high grades when we had our exam and essay writings’ included. Now Im still learning from your blog. Thanks for this!
Thank you, Rowena I am a big fan of easy writing, I think it is essential to succeed in reaching the audience, greetings
Thanks for sharing this. I will bookmark this because I want to re-read it as I believe it would help me level up my writing skills. (Marcelo Pareja)
Fantastic tips. I remember that essays used to me my nightmare in college. As you mentioned, my problem was lack of ideas. Definitely using these words would help you get your point across without being repetitive.
These are great suggestions. It is smart to use a variety of words when you are writing.
This blog has some awesome content that is sure to help me. Always looking for new ways to improve my writing!
This is awesome information about useful words along with phrases for top rated essays. These tips can also be used for writing anything in general. Thanks for sharing the helpful information.
For me as non-native English speaker your info-graphic is very helpful. This is a perfect way to teach the things which, just in written words, could fly by unnoticed. Thank you for that!
thank you for your visit, you motivate us to work harder 🙂
OMG I LOVE that inforgraphic! I’m going to print that out and hang it in each of my kids bedrooms! thank you for this post
thank you, glad that you find it useful 🙂
very impressive post and phrases ,words are really good and make easy and attractive to any eassy.. keep it up
This blog has some useful content that will help me in my own blogging. This will really boost reader content on my site. Great blog thanks a million!!!!!!
thank you Lisa, great that you like it
These are very useful, detailed and informative tips you shared in this post. Thank you for this.