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Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions allow your company to store your assets in one central location. Company digital assets might include stock images, videos, photos, documents, rich media files, audio files or brand materials like logos and fonts.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

Skillz Middle East is the longest established company in the Middle East with the clear focus to support organizations with their digital transformation agenda and implement successful Digital Asset Management software across all industries. We focus on illustrating how organizations can save time, save money and optimize the work with digital content and information.

Proofing the return on investment is key to every software implementation. Alone the aspect of sharing digital assets across all departments, outside of your organization, across the globe can help to improve efficiency in teamwork and keep your brand recognition up. This alone can justify your ROI in implementing a DAM software.

Justifications can be measured again cost savings, like:

Cost of Avoidance – stock images don’t get lost, reproducing lost photos or artworks can be avoided

Reduce Cost – shipping fees from your Agency or to your worldwide office or partners can be avoided

Sell your assets – now you can easily present and sell your assets to other people who can use them, monetization in the digital world is getting more and more important

Higher productivity – no waste of time for your employees to find quick and easy digital assets which they require for their daily work

In the infographic below you can see actual values (in GBP) for savings in organizations. The graphic compares between small, medium, and large businesses. Also, it illustrates a timeline of 5 years of savings.

A Dubai based retail company paid nearly 3 million dollars on copyright violations. The ROI of implementing a DAM software was achieved after 6 month after go live. 

We can demonstrate easy justification of the investment to any organizations and our team in Skillz Middle East is happy to walk you through this process. Contact our team via email


 and request a personal meeting.

If you have any thoughts where you could save money share them with us and your peers in the comments section below the infographic.

DAM Software Your Return of Investment

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