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Since our society is going more and more in direction of multimedia content and organizations produce a fair amount of photos, videos and pictures to deliver their message, it is a must to think about a good digital asset management. If you are using already one or maybe think about it then you should ask yourself, how to develop a great Digital Asset Management Strategy?

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

It is not anything you should not do without a strategy. Digital Asset Management (DAM) is no longer something we can not consider where the world is looking into digital transformation. We want to make sure to preserve the investment we did into producing a corporate photo, logo, product video or recording the last CEO message to the shareholders. All of this great content we call a digital asset.

Whenever you find yourself searching for the last years version of Ramadan greetings message you send to your clients or you found a broken external harddisk which vanished the complete collection of a photoshoot, you will remember to put the right Digital Asset Management Strategy on a plan to achieve your digital transformation.

Did you know that violation of licenses photos or videos can cost you up to 1 million dollar? Implementing a Digital Asset Management Strategy can save you money.

So how do we tackle this exercise? Well, I found this great Infographic on CMS Wire which illustrates a good simplified guide.

First, take a look and Identify Use Cases, identify the main users in your organization for a DAM.

  • What type of digital assets do you most need to manage above all others?
  • How many digital assets do you own or have licenses to use?
  • How many ways does your company use a single photo (digital asset)?

Different use cases may require different functions.

Assess your collections and locate where your digital assets are stored currently, identify their system requirements and if they can integrate with other systems. Furthermore, identify stakeholders, make a list of people inside and outside your organization who can help you.

Take your time and investigate the market and the available tools. Understand how your DAM needs to match with the capabilities of various products. Once you come so far you are ready to create a plan.

Skillz Middle East the expert in Diigtal Transforamtion

Check out the infographic below with all the details in each of the phases of developing your Digital Asset Management Strategy. Alternative you can engage with an expert in digital asset management solutions like Skillz Middle East.

Skillz Middle East helps organizations during evaluation, implementation, and operation of DAM solutions. Let us know if you already use a DAM solution or plan to implement one in your organization.


How to Develop a Digital Asset Management Strategy

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