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E-Commerce SEO for Product Pages and the 17 Step Guide: How to Optimize Product Pages for SEO & Conversions. Succeed in the e-commerce jungle with the right strategy and understand how to engage your audience for a hook up. 

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.

Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

Making your eCommerce successful goes hand-in-hand to be an SEO expert. You think to not really? All things considered, let us accept as much as you need to offer your items on the web, the much you cherish your audience and buyers exchange with you their wishes and thoughts. What else would you like to know about your audience than, what influences him or her snap to purchase and don’t forsake my shopping basket?

“Form follows function” is a term most much of the time heard in engineering. However, it applies to your online business site too.

The better your product pages are laid out, the more they will be optimized for peak SEO performance. An infographic by Wired SEO illustrates 17 steps to help you through the optimization process. Let me share you one secret. Besides making your website great again and having the best product photos ever seen online in maybe 360-degree angels from your product, the much you need to invest into the key elements for your product page. 

From the title at the highest point of the page to the related-thing joins typically found at the base, the information that your pages incorporate matters for SEO and transformations.

A hot tip here from my side. Product videos are the eye catcher of today. If you manage an explainer video for your product you are the hero on earth. You will end up far ahead of your competition, believe me. Ok, one more. The best videos are 15 seconds and not longer, and maybe not shorter, so let’s give it a try. Lead the pack with E-Commerce SEO.

And don’t forget to make your pages mobile-friendly, and ensure they load quickly, the infographic also points out.

Enjoy reading all 17 steps that make your product pages shine, check out the infographic:

E-Commerce SEO for Product Pages

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