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podcast | Skillz Middle East
Is Influencer Marketing The Future of Marketing [Infographic]

What brings the future of marketing? In the era of A.I. chatbots and immersive experience it seems like Influencer marketing is surviving all of them. No other marketing method was so successful for brand management then influencer marketing over the last decade.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

Today we look again a little deeper into influencer marketing, we go all the way back to the routes. Does Influencer marketing fit also for your business? The infographic from today prepared by Shane Barker gives us a good answer.

Influencer marketing is time-consuming but 100% worth it when done correctly! Useful Influencer marketing starts by looking at the facts and statistics:

  • 69% of marketers consider influencer marketing effective.
  • 93% of professionals say influencer marketing is effective for building brand awareness.
  • 73% say it’s effective for lead generation.
  • 76% say it’s effective in garnering customer loyalty.
  • The top 5 most influential people for millennials are YouTube stars.
  • 79% of mom bloggers accept advertising for monetizing their blog.

But the question is remaining. Does influencer marketing fit to all social and media channels? We can see the top 5 social channels for influencer marketing are, #1 Instagram, #2 YouTube, #3 Snapchat, #4 Pinterest, and #5 Twitter. You will ask yourself maybe where is the leader Facebook? Well, the answer we leave on the side for the moment. But it shows that Facebook who owns Instagram is focusing much more on the visual influence than their Facebook stream concept.

To get influencer marketing active on the road you can utilize some engagement platforms. In the infographic, there are named the top 5 engagement platforms without any particular order. Without the insight, you might not get the answer, who is best for my product and brand. Well, this can easily be resolved by using the proper analytics platforms. The graphic points out zoomph.com, klear.com, and hyprbrands.com which can help here.

The reasons why you should use influencer marketing because it’s more authentic than an ad, it’s more cost-effective than other marketing channels, it’s an easy way to build trust, it provides access to a large audience, it’s a way to create real-time engagement, you can effectively win over a new target audience, and it provides shareable content for exponential results.

There is no mission without risk and risks are potential pitfalls which make us fail. But no fail without gaining experience. How good that we have the infographic which points out for us lesson learned from the past, which we can avoid.

It keeps maybe open another question, what are the challenges to look into? Marketers who have been asked named the top 5 which we can find below.

The biggest challenge in influencer marketing named by 75% of marketers is how to identify the right influencers.

The Future of Marketing is bright and getting more human again. You can start successfully by asking yourself three simple questions. Who am I trying to influence? Who does my target audience trust? What content best aligns with the influencer and their audience?

As you can see we are here again. The 3 most important pillars of a successful digital strategy. I hope you enjoyed the infographic below and it helped you to get more insights in one of our most important elements for your marketing strategy mix. Share your experience in our commenting section below, what do you think about the future of marketing?


Is Influencer Marketing The Future of Marketing

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