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Instagram as we all know is a photo-sharing platform that has been constantly evolving. One of the major breakthroughs Instagram made was introducing reels and it has not stopped ever since. 

Billions of people voice their opinions, share their experiences, post personal content, and much more every day. 

With so many active users, Instagram has become a hub for marketers to grow their businesses as it helps them expand their creative horizons and at the same time reach out to a massive audience. 

By strategically posting content on Instagram, brands can grow their business and generate a lot of revenue without much effort. From fostering customer engagement to being noticed and spreading brand awareness, this platform can do it all. 

Let’s see some amazing strategies brands can use to utilize Instagram and transform their raw marketing touchpoints into successful ones. 

9 Strategies that help market your brand on Instagram 

Let’s trace some strategies in detail. 

1. Utilize user-generated content 

Genuine content that relates to the audience is crucial these days. Customers trust other customers and take faith in their experience with the brand. By leveraging user-generated content (UGC) in your Instagram feed, you offer users exactly what they need to make favorable purchase decisions. You are likely to generate more sales using trust and develop a massive loyal customer base. UGC platforms like Taggbox help you in embedding Instagram feed on website effortlessly which helps you build trust within a massive audience. 

Instagram Content Marketing

2. Showcase the value of your product

Instagram is a visual-based platform making it the perfect place to post images and videos that showcases what value your brand has to offer. Posting humorous and “How to” videos help your audience understand what you stand for and how your brand is the best approach for your users.

3. Post personalized content

Utilize images and videos to personalize your branded content. Develop an understanding of what you are and why you exist by posting stories about the establishment of your brand. Showcasing the product production journey in a story format connects with the users and helps them understand your brand better.

4. Schedule your posts

While running a business how much time can you spare on posting apart from the time taken to make the posts? You can use scheduling in your strategies. Find automated posting services and set up a digital calendar displaying what content to upload depending upon the ongoing trend or other marketing techniques you are using at that time. This not only saves a lot of your time but also helps you with systematically curating beautiful feeds.

5. Leverage Instagram shoppable galleries

Allow your users to shop directly from your Instagram profile. Make your customer journey seamless. To tag your products and make them shoppable you must be approved for shopping by Instagram. Develop a product catalog, choose images, set captions and tag the products. This approach is convenient for your audience, giving a high chance of improving conversion rates.

6. Get your hands on Instagram ads

Instagram ads allow you to promote either a single product or service or your entire profile. Promote your Instagram post from your Instagram business profile or you also have the option to utilize the creation feature from Facebook. Set up your target audience, the duration of your ad, and your budget. Your competitors are most likely already doing it, might as well get on with it.

7. Tap into influencer marketing

Influencers are people with a large follower base who hold the potential to influence a massive audience. Reach out to more people by getting into influencer marketing. Seek out to influencers and collaborate with them to market your solutions. This is an amazing way to transform your strategy into a successful one. You can pay influencers for shout-outs or promotions or get into a deal of promoting each other’s products and services.

8. Analyze your performance

Unless you understand how your users are behaving, you cannot understand what improvements are required in your Instagram marketing strategies. Instagram offers a free analytics tool that helps you understand how your users are reacting to your posts.

The key data involves profile analytics like the number of followers, amount of unique accounts that viewed your profile, people who tap on the website link from the post, and much more.

Apart from this, it also gives you insights about your audience like age, gender, location, etc. The number of impressions on your posts and interaction with your stories also are the key data provided by the analytics tool.

Wrapping up!

Here we go, in this blog we understood some of the strategies you can leverage to market your brand through Instagram. Instagram offers you various ways to utilize it in your marketing strategies and promote your business.

With the large customer base that Instagram has, you can boost conversion rates, generate sales, make customer acquisition easy, develop loyal customer relationships, enhance retention rates, and ultimately generate sales, and grow your business.

Deepanshi is a Marketing Specialist at Taggbox and is specializing in the future of digital marketing.

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