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Infographics for an education essay are very important to be enhanced with images and pictorials to convey the message for a topic. The internet is a safe source to find free photos and graphics which are provided on many sides.

Infographics for an Education Essay
Sebastian Miller is an educator who is willing to join the blogging sphere. He loves the idea of using technology to boost learning. Sebastian also helps students who have difficulties with writing assignments.
Sebastian Miller

Guest Writer

Experts from VivaEssays suggests preparing the images in a way that one can easily tell what information is being communicated. In such an essay, the text is usually minimal and readers will be forced to heavily rely on the infographic for understanding.

Preparing infographics should be done around the topic idea that you have chosen. It is therefore important to make sure that your images and charts used connect well with the chosen topic in a way that is sufficiently expressive.

What is an infographic? Infographics are those cool poster-like images you see floating around the web. Think of an infographic as Microsoft PowerPoint on steroids.

Here is how to go about the preparation:

Ask yourself, “Who is my audience?”

Different types of audiences require different infographic ideas. Therefore, it is important to choose images that your readers can relate to. If you are writing for children, the images would be completely different from content meant for adults. In that case, infographics for children are overly expressive for them to easily draw meaning from it.

Gather information and Data

Once you have identified your audience, proceed to collect relevant data and content to guide you in creating the suitable infographics. Make sure that the designs are connected to this information and most importantly, in a way that enhances the plain text included in your education essay. If you use photos and graphics make sure you follow copyrights information.

Work with Suitable Templates

Based on the topic and your audience, choose from the already existing infographics templates ready for editing to make it specific to your content. There are different types to choose from including side-by-side comparison types, timeline infographic, image-heavy infographic and so on.

Infographics for Education Essay
Image Credit: Pixabay

Download to PowerPoint for Customization

Now that you are already decided on what infographic to use for your education essay, it is time to work on it and refine the details in it. First, download it to PowerPoint to make it easy for you when editing it. Here, you can customize in a way that blends seamlessly with your content and the topic of your essay.

Part of the customization includes a catchy title and plugging in the content for your essay. Make adjustments to the font sizes and general formatting from what was set initially. You can switch up the colors and graphics too. The idea is to make them relevant to your topic and the information that you are putting forward to your audience. Simple charts and graphs can be included in PowerPoint.

65 percent of us are visual learners, according to the Social Science Research Network. Social media has created this intense desire and opportunity to share what we learn. 

Add Logo and a Footer indicating sources

Link your infographics to the source to give credibility to your essay. It is good to leave you infographics with information that can tell their sources. It is good to tell who created your infographic should it be embedded elsewhere or shared on social media platforms. Ideally, your infographics should be sharable.

Edit your Infographic

The last thing you definitely have to do is to go through your infographic and make sure it is done well and captures the intended information. Go through every detail on it and make changes where you notice errors. You can use the services of a third-party to help you do this because it is not easy to edit your own work.

Final Thoughts

Take time to work on your infographics if you want to make the most out of your education essay writing exercise. Pick great templates that will give you an easy time customizing in a way that is specific to your chosen topic. Add relevant information and details that will make your infographics unique to your final content. Check through all your infographics before using them to make sure they are accurate with the desired content.

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