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Email Marketing

Email Marketing in the 20th century is dead, or is only the way we know which is dead? Can email marketing alone spread the world with your message?

Although email marketing can be one of the most profitable components of your marketing strategy mix, effective and successful email campaigns don’t just happen by accident. They take careful planning and an understanding of what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to email marketing.

So the answer is for sure yes, email marketing is powerful and most important with new tools it can do a lot more for us than in the past. I total agree with you that finding the right tool might not be always easy. And let’s be fair to all of us, just because we might have a tool built into our CRM, ERP or Mail server does not mean it would fulfill the right things for us. Email Marketing tools versus Email Marketing Automation is the question we should look into. 

Deliver engaging email

Use personalized, contextual and real-time email messages to deliver a compelling customer experience.
Email Marketing Process
It is hard to check five email inboxes, three voice mail systems, or five blogs that you are tracking.
David Rose

Musician, Songwriter


Interest group segments are created from the interests and preferences subscribers choose when signing up to a list or when they update their profile. Groups are great tools for making sure subscribers are getting content that they will engage with, or letting them choose how frequently they would like to receive emails from you.


Design compelling creative aligned with customers’ interests, including your Web site and landing pages. Close to loop of communication across all content, see what people interact with and learn from each single campaign. Learn how context to content can be more efficient in getting people to interact and not drop your email in 2 sec in the trash pin.


“Create & deliver content that responds to each opener’s personal context, in real-time.” does this not sound ecciting? Did you now know this is possible? Well our goal as Skillz Middle East to bring technology together with business needs and emails can only be succesful if the get personalized and respond in two-ways in real-time, to the actual reader.

The yellow of the egg is not a single email, it needs to live and breath through a campaign

Although email marketing can be one of the most profitable components of your marketing strategy mix, effective and successful email campaigns don’t just happen by accident. They take careful planning and an understanding of what works when it comes to email marketing. Having said this makes it crystal clear that we can not see email marketing standalone, it is part of the big picture which can make your digital marketing efforts succeed or fail.

Time is over, where we see that marketers are sending 100.000 emails out, with the expectation that 2% will open and 1% of them will go in action. Personalization, Segmentation and Target ausience messaging let’s us measure results.


Smarter campaigns for smarter people

Through nine simple to follow, steps which we call Campaign Planner, we help you to establish an effective email marketing campaign to gather and convert leads. This all goes beyond platforms, tools or services which are offered on the market. Learning how to do it right is the most powerful way how to make email marketing efficient. Let’s look into an overview of the nine steps to the road of success:

1. Strategy

for your campaign, who else knows more about your unique selling point than you

2. Objectives

that directly support your company’s core mission and bottom line

3. Know your target market

so the right messages can be delivered to the right people

4. Call to action

splits the world and make your success for sure, enable clients to easily respond

5. Design compelling creative content

 aligned with customers’ interests,bridge the gap between website and devices

6. Best-practices list management

so you can successfully build, refine, and maintain your list, nobody like spammer, don’t be one of them

7. Measure and tracK

your campaign’s success through analysis and other meaningful metrics, define your KPI’s

8. Use Email address verificatioN

 that connects to mailboxes to check whether an email address exists or not

9. Set a smart, realistic budget

 that maximizes return and minimizes costs

Services which benefits Your Organisation

Skillz Middle East experts can help you through the jungle of market offerings. Email Marketing Tools or Email Marketing Automation are essential pieces in your digital transformation and will enhance your complete digital marketing strategy. Skillz Middle East will help you to identify your KPI’s, validate them and illustrate the budget costs versus the total cost of ownership. Contact our team today and don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Don’t waste your money on purchasing email lists alone.

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Get Into Action, call our experts today, Dubai - UAE +971 56 101 24 80 or send an email to or request a callback