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Email Campaign Today: “If you want to succeed with email marketing, here are some of the top faux-pas you should be sure to avoid when it comes to things you shouldn’t include in your campaign.”

“I know what you did in your last Marketing campaign, do you?”

Jalena Pineda

Business Development Manager, Skillz Middle East

Email Campaign Today is one of the original and often most successful forms of digital marketing. But email is kind of like your favorite restaurant—just because it’s popular doesn’t mean you can let quality slide. One bad meal (or email) can have damaging effects on a brand.

We’ve all received a marketing email with a blatant spelling error or broken link. It happens, but it doesn’t do much for the credibility of the sender, and it might just go straight to the trash.

Avoid to many words ….Why?
The average adult’s attention span is 8 seconds…

To put that into context; a goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds. 

And if you’re on the other side of a marketing email, you want to avoid errors at any cost!

Today’s infographic by direct mail management company Citipost Mail will help you do just that. It lists 10 things to avoid in an email. And if something does go wrong (perish the thought), the graphic advises four steps to manage the damage.

For a checklist of what not to do in your next email campaign, see the Infographic “Email Campaign Today And 10 Ways To Ruin It”

Email Campaign Today and 10 Ways To Ruin It [Infographic]

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