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Content Marketing Mistakes That Are Hindering Your SEO Performance

Avoiding content marketing mistakes can harm your SEO and also the allover reputation of your website or your brand. Sometimes there is confusion on what is counted as content versus the style of a website.

Content marketing is a powerful marketing medium that every business should be used to drive new customers and engage with existing ones. But if your content marketing strategy isn’t working for you, you’re probably making some of the following mistakes:

1. Not Having Clear Marketing Objectives

Do you know what you want out of your content? Do you have SMART goals? Content without objectives is just noise in the market. It might attract some attention, but it won’t move the needle for your business. Your content needs to solve a specific problem for someone or provide value somehow. If it doesn’t, why would anyone care? To make sure your blog posts provide real value that helps achieve your company’s goals, ask yourself: does each blog post clearly articulate why it exists? What problem does it solve? Who is the target reader, and what do they hope to gain from reading the blog post? For this, you can take help from IT companies such as small business IT Support San Diego has some expert strategies and objectives to make to business more successful.

2. Failing To Measure Content Performance Properly

It’s such a shame when businesses pour money and resources into content marketing, only to get dismal results. How can you price your content if you don’t know its effectiveness? You need to measure performance to understand which of your content pieces produce leads and which aren’t. Start by creating an editorial plan outlining what types of blog posts you will publish and when. Then come up with measurable calls-to-action for your readers. Then, use analytics tools to measure the real conversions of your content, so you know which blog posts are performing well.

3. Not Using A Blog Or Content Platform

If you’re publishing nothing but guest posts on other people’s blogs, then you’re giving up control over one of the most powerful tools in your marketing platform: your website or blog! And the chances are that other people’s audiences aren’t exactly like yours, meaning all that time and effort you spent writing a perfect article will be wasted because it didn’t reach the right person, to begin with. You also won’t track conversions on these articles unless you use a unique URL and add a conversion tracking pixel on the final page.

4. Ignoring Brand Engagement

If your content marketing strategy is nothing more than publishing blog posts, you’re missing out on some of the biggest opportunities in B2B marketing today. People want to interact with brands – they want to like and share their favorite articles, subscribe to regular updates, and follow their favorite companies on social media. Content is no longer about publishing articles ( although that’s not going away ). It’s about building an ongoing relationship with your audience via your blog, website, email newsletters, social media accounts, etc. That means adding things like call-to-actions for subscribing to email lists or following you on Facebook into each of your blog posts.

Content Marketing Mistakes
Image Credit: Pexels

5. Using Low-Quality Images

You know the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” That’s especially true when it comes to content marketing. Your blog post images are what will either grab your readers’ attention or cause them to scroll past. High-quality imagery can also increase social shares and website conversions, so it’s not something you want to take lightly. Make sure your blog posts contain compelling, high-quality images formatted correctly for web use by hiring a professional photographer or using free stock photos from sites like Deathtothestockphoto, Unsplash, or Pixabay.

6. Publishing Irrelevant

Just because you could kick out another blog post this week doesn’t mean it’s relevant to your audience. It’s probably the problem, not yours, but the content is more likely to succeed if it solves a specific pain point for your customers or business. If you’re unsure about whether or not it makes sense for you, ask yourself these questions:

What stage are they in the buyer journey? How does this fit with our product/service offering? How will solving this problem affect my company’s bottom line? Does it align with our marketing strategy? Is that important right now? What kind of consequences might there be if we fail to deliver on this promise of value?

Remember, you don’t have to tackle every single opportunity head-on. The key is to pick the ones that make the most sense for your business.

7. Not Optimizing Content For Mobile

More people use mobile devices than desktop computers to access the web this year. If your blog posts aren’t optimized for all screen sizes, you’re missing out on huge opportunities. You must test and analyze each page of your website or blog across common mobile platforms like iOS and Android to ensure it looks great everywhere users see it. Do you know what happens when people get frustrated trying to read a webpage on their phone? Yes, they go somewhere else.

8. Expecting Impossible Results

Content marketing isn’t magic, so don’t expect overnight results. If you want to use content marketing to grow your business, it will take time. Be patient, stay focused and work hard – eventually, you’ll see the results you’re looking for. If you’ve tried other strategies in the past that haven’t worked out, give this one a shot before moving on entirely because things could be different this time around.

SEO Performance
Image Credit: Pexels

9. Not Tracking Results

What’s the point of all this if you don’t track what works and what doesn’t? Many marketers mistake spending months or even years creating content without tracking conversions or following up with their audience. You can avoid that by setting clear goals at the beginning (like increasing blog subscribers) and making sure they align with your company’s core values and mission. Then, set SMART goals for each piece of content you plan to create. You can also track metrics like page views, visitor location, and time spent reading to understand better how your audience responds to your blog posts.

10. Not Asking For Feedback

Your customers might not always tell you what they truly think about your product or service because they want to avoid hurting your feelings – or worse yet, being labeled as a difficult customer. Make sure you’re asking for feedback from existing and potential customers at every stage of the buyer journey, using tools like Veloso Survey or Google Forms.

Wrapping Up!

Creating content that delivers results is easier said than done. The key to success is identifying the mistakes you’re making, developing a plan to overcome them, and then taking action on what you learn. Content marketing isn’t just about writing blog posts or social media updates – it’s an ongoing process that never really ends. Just remember, you can always do better the next time around!

Rabia Gul Khan is an enthusiastic writer, she loves to read and write about new technology, fashion, design, health, and traveling. She is keen to pen down the latest information and knowledge to educate readers about new things. She also finds her interest in writing about marketing and the latest trends.

Rabia Gul Khan

Guest Writer

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