Event marketing can increase your bottom line by boosting your digital marketing, your brand awareness, product popularity, services offering knowledge, and sales.
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As a marketer, you help your brand with content, email, and social media marketing, but what about events?
What is event marketing?
Event marketing is the process of developing a themed exhibit, display, or presentation to promote a product, service or cause. Sounds easy right? The infographic looks in all the aspects and facts around event marketing, like Why, What, How.
Let us answer the question, why is event marketing important?
- Events offer an opportunity for organizations to showcase their business and personality, educate their customers and engage with them on a different level.
- Giving customers an alternate experience of your brand can make a lasting impression and have a number of benefits.
- According to Selligent Marketing Survey, 16.3% of marketers wi II increase their event marketing budget in 2016.
- According to the Event Engaging report, 91 % of event professionals Is stated that increasing engagement at their events was an important priority for their organization.
What are the general effective event marketing strategies?
According to a study conducted by Google in partnership with Ipsos MedlCT, traditional offline media such as print still plays a leading role in online searches for products and services. There are a lot of creative ways you can get your target market’s attention by Plyers, Pamphlets, Referral Marketing, Brochures, Networking, Cold Calls, Magazine advertisements or Billboards. The iProspect study asked users what promoted them to search online for a particular company, product, service or slogan and the results surprised maybe:- 41% said the word-to-moth attracted them
- 35% said a newspaper or magazine advertisement caught their attention
- 13% said a billboard was the reason to look into it
How can it be used to boost a digital marketing campaign?
By tailoring your event to the type of customers you hope to attract, you are able to target your desired demographic exclusively. It allows you to acquire information that can be used to target potential customers (contact information, demographics information and so on). In summary, the most relevant effect is that your event marketing helps you to acquire demographic information. In the below Infographic, you will read more useful hints on how to promote your event, which omnichannel works the best for the event marketing. Also, you can learn about the facts about how much companies are spending on events in their overall campaign Another benefit? Customers can experience your brand at events, and those offline experiences play a big role in online searches, according to one study cited in the infographic.Event marketing is a handshake between all your marketing efforts online and offline and your sales, the infographic released by NCC Home Learning points out For more on how events can boost your marketing and overall bottom line, check out the infographic.The biggest spender when it comes to the question of what percentage of revenue do you spend on marketing are software giants, like Salesforce 53% and Twitter with 44%.

Nice work bringing the numbers together. The biggest value is passion bringing into the game even we all know it’s about the numbers of green bills